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Akibadai Park, Tama Newtown

Project Name: Akibadai Park, Tama Newtown


Location: Bessho, Hachioji, Tokyo


Size: 2.4 ha


Client: Urban Renaissance Agency


Date: 1988 - 1991


Category: Parks


Services Provided: Conceptual Design - Design Development


Landscape Architect: HEADS TOKYO


Award: 1992 CLA Award in General Design (Consultants of Landscape Architecture in Japan)


- Pen, issue of February 15, 2014, No.354, CCC Media House

- The New York Times Magazine, issue of November 28, 2004, Section 6, The New York Times

- Shinkentsu JT, issue of November 1994, Shinkenchikusha

- Planning for Environmental facilities, Detail Design of Environmental facilities, Ohmsha

- Design for Fun: Playgrounds, written by Marta Rojals del Alamo, 2004, Links International

Creating a Park as a Symbol of the Town

Akibadai Park is located in the Horinouchi district of Tama Newtown. We utilized its characteristic that is located at the end of the sloped landform and designed this park to be impressive and memorable for the citizens. For example, we used a height difference of ten meters and designed pyramid stone steps, a slide of a dragon, an art object of a firebird, etc. The pyramid would be lit up at night and creates lovely night scenery for visitors.

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